Getting Started #

There’s a remarkable amount of detail in flow around even the simplest shapes. This makes the field of aerodynamics daunting for newcomers, as they attribute the complexity of the flow to complexity in the basic physics.


Turbulence. Photo courtesy of Juan Pedro Mellado.

In reality, complexity arises from the aggregate nature of the flow, while all of the essential features are actually quite simple.

When attempting to explain these phenomena, the tendency for many is to appeal immediately to complex mathematics. While accurate, mathematics often overburden the issue and reduce accessibility. This site forgoes much of the complex calculus in favor of a physics-based approach.

The topics addressed here are split up into 4 sub-sections.

Fundamentals #

This section introduces the reader to the basic principles that help inform all fluid behavior.


Motorsport Aero #

This section introduces the prevalence of aerodynamics development within the world of motorsport.


Tools of the Trade #

This section introduces the various development tools aerodynamicists have at their disposal.


Advanced Aerodynamics #

This section discuss advanced topics within the field of aerodynamics.